Adult Tryouts (for ages 18-22, 23-33, 34+) usually start indoor turf in February, and most squads complete their roster selections no later than April 1st, and play games every Sunday (except holidays) until July/August.
We then usually hold another open tryout in August for anyone looking to play Fall Ball, which is every Sunday (except holidays) from September into November.
For more details: Call (973)680-4280, email , or for additional info see below or click here.
The Bloomfield Buzzards is a North Jersey amateur baseball franchise with SIX wood-bat teams competing on Sundays in the Amateur Baseball Association from April through November. We do not play on holiday weekends. The away-games are typically no more than 15 miles outside of Bloomfield. Our open indoor turf workouts start in February. We also hold open tryouts again in August to fill our gaps before playing in the Sunday fall league. We promote camaraderie and a fun, entertaining environment for our family and friends to share in the experience. You can FOLLOW-US, our schedule, our standings by using the SportsEngine app, then 'favoriting' any of our squads ~ Bloomfield Buzzards, Backyard Buzzards, Fighting Buzzards, Old School Buzzards, Buzz Buzzards, Ol'Dirty Buzzards, Los Buzzards, Bad News Buzzards, Banzai Buzzards, Buzzards' Fifth Element, Buzzards' Sixth Sense, and/or the Band Of Buzzards.